Best performing Robo Advisors in 2023

Best performing Robo Advisors in 2023

The world of investment is constantly evolving, and the rise of Robo-advisory platforms has revolutionized the way we manage our finances. These digital platforms use advanced algorithms and technology to provide personalized investment advice and manage portfolios with minimal human intervention. As we head into 2023, it’s essential to stay informed about the best-performing Robo-advisors…

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Asset Backed Securities (ABS)

What are Asset-backed Securities?

Securities can be a confusing investment option. You have probably heard the term “asset-backed security” before, but what does it actually mean? And which type is right for you? Asset-backed securities can be a great source of funding but they can also be a source of confusion. We will break down the definition and types…

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Book Value Vs Market Value

Book Value vs. Market Value

Introduction to Book Value What’s known as a “book value” or “break-up value” is a company’s total market value if it were broken up. Inventory, investments, equipment, and real estate are all included in this calculation based on a company’s balance sheet, which includes all of the company’s tangible assets. If a business were to…

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Time Weighted average Price (TWAP)

What is TWAP (Time Weighted Average Price) Strategy

Time Weighted Average Price is probably something you’ve heard of (TWAP). These cumulative indicators provide a Time-weighted average price from a specific starting point. Large institutional traders frequently place high-volume orders with the potential to cause significant market volatility and disruption. As a result, these traders attempt to use trading strategies that reduce the impact…

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